Group Therapy Archives | Rice Psychology

Are the Benefits of Commercialized Online Therapy Too Good to be True?

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. When the pandemic hit, it seemed like online therapy companies were popping up left and right. I was already seeing a therapist for some time, and when the world went digital, I was nervous I’d no longer be able to meet with her. Luckily, she offered her services via Telehealth. One day, after being bombarded by Facebook ads for a ton of online therapy companies, I decided to give it a try and see what it was all about. Here’s what I experienced: The therapist I was matched with seemed...

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Navigating Through Life as a Recent Graduate

My college graduation day was amazing! Since we’re all vaccinated, I was able to celebrate with my family and friends just like I’d hoped. I worked harder than I ever have in my life to earn this degree and, for the most part, I’m incredibly excited to start my new life. However, with an internship and living with roommates in our first “adult” apartment in a new city, I’m starting to really worry about doing this without help. The internship doesn’t pay much and will only last a few months. What do I do after that? Who am I supposed...

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Family Therapy: How a Joint Session with Your Loved Ones Can Work Wonders

Consider the following example as it relates to this week’s topic. The other day, one of my daughters came into the kitchen and said, “Hey Dad, I need some money to repay a friend who bought me Starbucks and for some haunted houses I’ll be going to next week for Halloween.” Now, granted, asking for money is a bit of a trigger for me, and nevermind the fact that I’ve routinely talked to her about saving money and getting a job. In walks my older daughter who has conveniently overheard this conversation and says to me, “That’s not fair! I asked for...

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The Power of the Group

By Elaine Spencer, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist When parents realize that their children or teens are struggling and need support, they often consider individual therapy. It's true that one-on-one therapy is an effective way for many children to work on their individual challenges through a close relationship with their therapist, but sometimes individual therapy is not enough or just isn't the right fit. One-on-one therapy can have a tremendous effect on your child, but what if it just isn't the right fit? Our group therapy may be exactly what your young one is looking for. So, what if your child needs something more or something...

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When to Seek Marital Help

With the divorce rate at 3.6 per 1,000 population, according to this CDC report, a lot of couples are asking when is the best time to seek marital help? When is it necessary or when is it too late? The easy answer is that you don’t have to be on the edge of divorce to seek some counseling. When your level of unhappiness is pretty pervasive, and it has been going on for more days than not, and if you are just feeling angry or frustrated, you don’t have to wait for things to go south to talk to somebody. “But what...

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Appointments at Rice Psychology Group

  Who should come to the initial appointment at Rice Psychology Group? Children under the age of 12: We ask that parents come in without the child, so that we will have a chance to fully discuss the issues, history, and overall picture of what is going on without the child having to wait in the waiting room. A second session involves a playing or talking meeting with your child.  Children over the age of 12: If it is appropriate, bring your child to the appointment so they can participate in the process from the start. This meeting will be done in a...

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Using Group Therapy to Support High School Girls

For teenage girls, the high school years are incredibly complicated and often filled with turmoil. They are busy trying to position themselves in the social network of their school,  solidify their identity, and gain independence from their families.  The importance of normalizing their daily experiences cannot be underestimated.  This is especially true for teens who have pre existing mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, deficits in social skills, learning disabilities, or any other struggle that makes high school more formidable.  How can we best support these emerging young women to not just survive, but flourish, during these very...

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