Psychology Blog, Behavior Blog, Counseling Blog | Tampa Psychologist
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Advice from Our Tampa Therapists: Youth Sports – Mostly Harmful or Helpful?

As the back-to-school season is ramping up, so is the upcoming season of youth sports. While it can seem incredibly chaotic and overwhelming to think about your child rushing to practice after a full day of school, the reality is it’s more than likely helping them far more than it is hurting them. Why do we say that? There are several reasons why our Tampa therapists believe putting your child on a sports team can be beneficial to their mental well-being, which we will explain, however, we also believe it can be good for the parents and your relationship with your...

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Election Blues: What You Can do to Feel Better After November 5th

After so much back-and-forth mudslinging, Election Day will be here before we know it. And while the excitement of casting a ballot and the relief of not having to listen to one more political ad fills many of us with joy, others are dealing with some very different emotions now that may continue after the election. If you’re struggling with anxiety or stress and aren’t sure how to manage your emotions, then know that we at Rice Psychology Group understand. It’s Hard Not To Worry It seems as if over the years, politics has become a significant source of stress for many...

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Psychologist Tampa Florida: A Parent’s Guide to Managing Summer Break Stress

Just know that if you are a parent dreading this season and unsure how to make it, you’re not alone. Yes, it’s important to help your child keep a positive outlook and maintain a routine, but making sure you keep your mental health in check is just as important. Our licensed psychologist Tampa Florida team and mental health counselors at Rice Psychology Group has a few tips to help you keep cool during these hot summer months. As a parent in an ideal world, summer is a time to relax, travel, and spend time with your kids, who enjoy a much-needed...

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Teachers: Real Life Superheroes

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week and Rice Psychology Group would like to take this time to talk about a few of our favorite people… teachers! We appreciate our teachers for so many reasons. They are role models and mentors. They possess the ability to inspire and motivate students, and their dedication to shaping the minds of younger generations can’t be matched. And as if we didn’t already know, 2020 taught us just how valuable and essential our teachers really are. (One of the few positive things the pandemic gave us.) Unfortunately while our teachers have arguably one of the toughest jobs in...

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Solutions for the Gen Z Struggle

Kids today seem to have it all. The world is literally at their fingertips. While it seems that the up-and-coming generation has more resources and opportunity than ever before, they are struggling the most. Why is that, and what can we do about it? Rice Psychology Group understands that while each generation has their own specific benefits, they also struggle with very specific mental and emotional obstacles that others before them did not. That’s why we are proud to offer help and support for kids and teens growing up in today’s world, specifically Generation Z. Who is Generation Z? According to an article by...

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Seven Senses; No, Not the Paranormal Ones

While in session with a client recently, they told me they had found a book which turned out to be one of the most helpful books they had ever read. Considering that I know this person has read a lot of books, I was intrigued. We discussed the book and the lessons in the book at length. I immediately purchased the book, You Are Not A Rock by Mark Freeman, following that appointment thinking, “wow, how many other people might also find this helpful.” Since then, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and considering the things Mr. Freeman has...

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Psychologists Tampa Diagnosis: Tips to Understanding and Addressing Mental Health Concerns

I learned a long time ago that diagnosis informs treatment. I can credit Harold Koplowitz, MD, founder of the Child Mind Institute, for that gem. Many people come to me wanting a psychologists Tampa diagnosis, while others specifically do not want a diagnosis. Either way, everyone wants an understanding of what's wrong and how to make it better. That is what I believe we do best at Rice Psychology Group. We Offer Individualized Care I have recently been doing comprehensive psychoeducational evaluations for elementary and middle school kids. While I don't love writing reports I do love the process of coming up with...

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Tampa Therapists Recommend: What You Can do to Successfully Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution!

  Every January 1st, countless people resolve to accomplish a goal by the end of the year, and many, if not most, fail. In fact, according to a University of Scranton study, only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals. It almost seems as if New Year’s resolutions are meant to be broken! Maybe you’ve been there, too? Our team of licensed psychologists and therapists in Tampa would like to offer a few helpful tips. Start with Something Manageable Unreasonable goals go hand-in-hand with New Year’s resolutions. For example, instead of dropping 50 pounds by spring, why not set a more realistic...

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Holiday Mayhem: Tips to Dealing with Stress From Rice Psychology Group

For most of us, the holidays are a time of celebration, reunions, making memories and joy. For a others, however, it can mean stressful situations. Rice Psychology Group understands the holidays can be - a lot. Holiday planning is something than many families deal with, and the stress resulting from it can really put a damper on a period of the year reserved for happiness. If you feel that this holiday season will be a stressful one, then read on to see what you can do to help make it easier. What Are the Difficulties? All families are unique, and as such,...

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Solo Holidays: Tampa Counselors Recommended to Feel Less Alone During This Time of Year

As the popular song goes, the holiday season is “the most wonderful time of the year”. Yet, it’s wonderful only if you have people to spend it with. This is a topic our Tampa counselors have heard before. For those who don’t have loved ones, the holidays can be lonely, sad, and depressing. If you’ve been in this position before, then you know how hard it is. This is why our team of licensed psychologists and Tampa counselors want to provide some information to help you survive and, hopefully, feel less lonely during the holidays. Steps to Take If you find yourself alone...

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