Therapist Archives | Rice Psychology

Navigating Your Child’s Psychological Evaluation: What Comes Next?

By Amanda M. Cosgriff, Ph.D., BCBA & Licensed School Psychologist After an extensive search for a psychologist, providing background information, answering seemingly endless questions, undergoing hours of testing, and waiting weeks for results, you finally receive the call to schedule your feedback meeting. During this meeting, the psychologist explains the evaluation results, outlines your child’s learning profile, and, if applicable, provides a diagnosis. You leave thinking, “We finally have an explanation—now we can move forward.” However, over the next couple of days you may start to feel overwhelmed. Where do you begin? How do you take the next steps? If this sounds...

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Psychologists Tampa Diagnosis: Tips to Understanding and Addressing Mental Health Concerns

I learned a long time ago that diagnosis informs treatment. I can credit Harold Koplowitz, MD, founder of the Child Mind Institute, for that gem. Many people come to me wanting a psychologists Tampa diagnosis, while others specifically do not want a diagnosis. Either way, everyone wants an understanding of what's wrong and how to make it better. That is what I believe we do best at Rice Psychology Group. We Offer Individualized Care I have recently been doing comprehensive psychoeducational evaluations for elementary and middle school kids. While I don't love writing reports I do love the process of coming up with...

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Yes, You Can Survive This Valentine’s Day

If you have recently walked through a grocery store, you have already seen it. There are hearts, candies, and romantic gifts everywhere. While this time of year is a celebration of love of every kind – romantic, platonic, self-love, etc., this holiday has placed a silent but immense pressure on many people. Everywhere you look, you’re being encouraged to spend hundreds of dollars on elaborate gifts and perform over-the-top gestures to prove your love. (Thanks, social media!) If you’re single, you may have been made to feel as if you should have a significant other this day. Rice Psychology Group wants you...

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Weathering the Storm: How You Can Ease Your Storm-Related Anxiety

  As we recently watched Hurricane Ian make landfall in Florida, these storms not only impact our homes, and our safety, but can negatively impact our mental health. Anxiety and overwhelming fear about what is happening, especially if you have experienced weather-emergencies before, is common. If you struggle with anxiety or depression brought on by past events or can’t seem to calm your nerves every time storm season rolls through, then you aren’t alone. Our licensed Tampa psychologists and therapists are here to help by providing some clarity on how to maintain good mental health during hurricane season. Be Prepared Unlike our friends on...

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9/11: Managing Your Emotions

Most of us remember exactly where we were on September 11th, 2001. To many, it seems like yesterday when we were learning about those devastating attacks and now it’s odd to even think that there are adults who weren't even born yet. This weekend will mark the 23rd anniversary of this tragic event, and the mental health effects for those who were there and even for those of us who were watching it on the news, continues to linger on. Mentally letting go of the fear, anxiety, and depression caused by such an event isn’t easy. Fortunately, it can be managed,...

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Helping Your Kids Unplug and Socialize

Last week, on my way to work, I passed a group of middle school kids on a corner all standing around talking with an older woman in a wheelchair. She might have been one of the kids’ grandmothers, but I’m not sure. It just warmed my heart to see the kids all interacting with each other, smiling and not on their phones. This was in contrast to what I saw a few days later in my neighborhood. There was another group of similar aged kids standing about 15 feet apart from each other, all looking kind of forlorn, in their...

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Monitor Your Mood: Staying Positive in a Not So Positive World

2020 was a hard year. So was 2021. Unfortunately, on some days it seems 2022 is continuing this unwanted trend. It’s as if you can’t turn on the news without hearing about a new health crisis, act of violence or the downward spiral of our economy. Turning to social media to take your mind off things isn’t much help either. While it can be nice to watch a funny video or look at pictures from your friend’s summer vacation, the negative stories are there too. Not to mention the constant bickering and horrible comments that seem to be the norm...

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Testing & Assessments – Are You Getting What You Deserve?

Would you like to know what makes me angry? When I learn that a child was brought to a psychologist for an evaluation because they had a reading problem—and the psychologist gives their favorite tests - and in the end doesn’t make a diagnosis or reach a conclusion that addresses the reading problem. Perhaps they don’t make a diagnosis because they don’t think the child’s scores are low enough, or they don’t have enough training in Dyslexia and other reading disorders, or they believe they have to wait until the child receives more instruction before they can be diagnosed.  So,...

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This Way to Better Sleep: Tips to Improve Your Sleep Hygiene in 2022

Do you have trouble sleeping? If so, do you lay awake staring at your ceiling for hours on end, or do you toss and turn all night long? Know you are not alone. Many people struggle to sleep, but that does not mean you should ignore the issue. Getting quality rest is essential to our physical and mental well-being. Our Tampa psychologists can help! To help you sleep better, the first step we'd like to propose is assessing your sleep hygiene and how your habits may be preventing you from getting a good night's rest. • Do you use technology before bed? •...

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With a New Year Comes a New Diet and Mindset!

Today’s story is personal since it’s mine. Please consider it as it relates to this week’s topic. I’ve struggled with my weight since high school and have gone up, down, and practically sideways on the scale over the years. Breaking my leg in 2005 was a huge setback, and the effects of the weight gained that year have lingered. I’ve heard many people with poor diets and lack of exercise complain of feeling sluggish, both mentally and physically. Like many, there have been days when I’ve had particular trouble focusing and lacked the motivation to get off the couch. After speaking with...

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