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Helping Your Kids Unplug and Socialize

Last week, on my way to work, I passed a group of middle school kids on a corner all standing around talking with an older woman in a wheelchair. She might have been one of the kids’ grandmothers, but I’m not sure. It just warmed my heart to see the kids all interacting with each other, smiling and not on their phones. This was in contrast to what I saw a few days later in my neighborhood. There was another group of similar aged kids standing about 15 feet apart from each other, all looking kind of forlorn, in their...

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Doing Away with the Back-to-School Blues

  It’s that time of year again, kids and teachers are back to school. It’s not uncommon for children, teens, and young adults to groan and roll their eyes as they get back in the swing of getting up early, doing homework, and having late-night study sessions. Not to mention dealing with new teachers, new classmates, and new experiences. For some students, a new school year can be very exciting. For others not so much, as these new situations can bring about anxiousness and uncertainty. At Rice Psychology Group, our Tampa psychologists want to help you and your children understand and deal...

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Monitor Your Mood: Staying Positive in a Not So Positive World

2020 was a hard year. So was 2021. Unfortunately, on some days it seems 2022 is continuing this unwanted trend. It’s as if you can’t turn on the news without hearing about a new health crisis, act of violence or the downward spiral of our economy. Turning to social media to take your mind off things isn’t much help either. While it can be nice to watch a funny video or look at pictures from your friend’s summer vacation, the negative stories are there too. Not to mention the constant bickering and horrible comments that seem to be the norm...

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Buyer Beware! The Downfall of Online Therapy!

We've all heard the saying, "if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is." And if you've been paying attention to the news recently, you've likely heard that this seems to be the case for many online therapy companies. You might say the cracks in the online therapy community are showing. Cerebral recently laid off hundreds of staff members and lost insurance contracts after an FDA investigation discovered several cases of overprescribing stimulants. The senate is also reviewing agencies such as Talkspace and BetterHelp for violating privacy rights and mining client data for third-party companies. It’s coming to light,...

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Transitioning Together: Talking with Your Children and Teens About Gender Identity

It's a popular topic right now, and rightfully so. Gender identity, specifically in kids and teens, has been at the forefront thanks to the increasing conversation on what it means to be transgender or gender fluid in today's world. At Rice Psychology Group, we've seen an increasing number of children and teens who believe that the gender they were assigned at birth is not the correct one.  Many are questioning what gender really means, if they must choose one or the other, and some are certain their “assigned at birth” gender does not match their identity. For most teens, the hardest part...

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Learn to Hope and Cope During Trying Times with Our Tampa Psychologists

It seems no matter where you turn, another report of a crisis is happening in the world. With the conflict unfolding in Ukraine, the images and videos of this incursion can be incredibly traumatic and frightening. Anyone can become fearful, wondering what is happening in the world and what will happen next. The significance of this crisis can be more overwhelming for people who live with anxiety or depression, especially given the hardships the world has endured together the past few years. Some may believe the only way to combat our feelings of hopelessness is to withdraw or not deal with them. However,...

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Testing & Assessments – Are You Getting What You Deserve?

Would you like to know what makes me angry? When I learn that a child was brought to a psychologist for an evaluation because they had a reading problem—and the psychologist gives their favorite tests - and in the end doesn’t make a diagnosis or reach a conclusion that addresses the reading problem. Perhaps they don’t make a diagnosis because they don’t think the child’s scores are low enough, or they don’t have enough training in Dyslexia and other reading disorders, or they believe they have to wait until the child receives more instruction before they can be diagnosed.  So,...

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This Way to Better Sleep: Tips to Improve Your Sleep Hygiene in 2022

Do you have trouble sleeping? If so, do you lay awake staring at your ceiling for hours on end, or do you toss and turn all night long? Know you are not alone. Many people struggle to sleep, but that does not mean you should ignore the issue. Getting quality rest is essential to our physical and mental well-being. Our Tampa psychologists can help! To help you sleep better, the first step we'd like to propose is assessing your sleep hygiene and how your habits may be preventing you from getting a good night's rest. • Do you use technology before bed? •...

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With a New Year Comes a New Diet and Mindset!

Today’s story is personal since it’s mine. Please consider it as it relates to this week’s topic. I’ve struggled with my weight since high school and have gone up, down, and practically sideways on the scale over the years. Breaking my leg in 2005 was a huge setback, and the effects of the weight gained that year have lingered. I’ve heard many people with poor diets and lack of exercise complain of feeling sluggish, both mentally and physically. Like many, there have been days when I’ve had particular trouble focusing and lacked the motivation to get off the couch. After speaking with...

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Does My Child Have Dyslexia: Understanding the Disorder

My child has always been bright and kept up with her schoolwork during her first few years of education. However, I noticed she was becoming frustrated while reading, and now she is having difficulty in her fourth-grade class. I asked her what was wrong, and she told me she did not understand some of her school work. So I sat down to help her and realized she could barely read the material. She struggled to identify simple words, and her notes were incredibly unorganized. As a result, she is distraught, and her confidence has fallen. Does my child have dyslexia?...

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