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How to Have Uncomfortable Conversations with Kids on School Violence

A few weeks ago, another school in our country experienced yet another senseless shooting. Unfortunately violence, specifically gun violence, has become all too common and while it is terribly upsetting for adults, it can be especially difficult and overwhelming for children. It’s heartbreaking that in today’s world, kids are more worried about school shootings than homework, are practicing active shooter drills instead of fire drills and are forced to have conversations with educators and their parents about situations that most are far too young to comprehend. However, as unfair as the drills and uncomfortable conversations are, they are very necessary....

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Don’t Let Social Media Dim Your Light. The Dangers of Social Comparison.

As social media sites such as Instagram, TikTok and Facebook continue to evolve and provide us with positive ways to connect and interact with one another, they are also impacting our lives and mental health in very negative ways. One of those negatives is social comparison. The very often false life on social media portrayed by many for the sake of likes, followers and good content can make others feel as if their own life is not good enough. Social comparison through social media is a real issue for consumers of all ages. Depression, anxiety, poor self-esteem and a negative...

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Yes, You Can Survive This Valentine’s Day

If you have recently walked through a grocery store, you have already seen it. There are hearts, candies, and romantic gifts everywhere. While this time of year is a celebration of love of every kind – romantic, platonic, self-love, etc., this holiday has placed a silent but immense pressure on many people. Everywhere you look, you’re being encouraged to spend hundreds of dollars on elaborate gifts and perform over-the-top gestures to prove your love. (Thanks, social media!) If you’re single, you may have been made to feel as if you should have a significant other this day. Rice Psychology Group wants you...

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4 Recommendations for Managing Your Child’s Gift Expectations

Regardless of your reason for celebrating the season, we're willing to bet your child is extremely excited about what gifts they will receive. As a parent, have you been stressing about ensuring your children have the best holiday experience and that they receive some fantastic gifts? Our psychologists in Tampa understand that you want to give your child everything they desire, and while there is nothing wrong with that, that pressure can be an added stressor to you. Doing so can also lead your children to develop the unrealistic belief or expectation that they will receive whatever they desire.  Having children...

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Autumn Anxiety: Keeping Your Mental Health in Check this Season

The days of summer and carefree living are gone, and fall is in full swing. It’s the season of shorter days, school deadlines, sports events, holidays, and ultimately stress. Yes, with everything this time of year brings, stress and anxiety are on almost everyone’s plate. Understanding how to deal with these emotions this season can be difficult. Rice Psychology Group understands many people feel an increase in anxiety during the autumn months, and we have a few tips you can use to manage those feelings. Recognize What You’re Feeling It is normal to feel overwhelmed during this time of year. Maybe you...

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Thanksgiving Stress: How to Avoid Tension with Your Family

Soon countless families across America will be joining for the Thanksgiving holiday, and many of those get-togethers will end with flared tempers, angry words, and maybe even some regret. Unfortunately, that’s the normal cycle for many during the holiday season. Luckily for you, our team of licensed therapists and psychologists in Tampa have some tips to make your get-togethers stress-free. Conflict Approaching Where exactly does all the stress and tension come from around the holidays? It might be a result of the following: Strained relationships Nosy relatives Opinionated relatives Past grievances Financial issues Controlling (helicopter) parents Lifestyle disagreements Politics The reality is that...

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My Child Is a Bully: What Should I Do?

Is your child a bully? Could they be physically or emotionally harming another child without you knowing? There’s nothing worse than getting a call from their school or having another parent approach you and claim that your kid’s been hurting others. And, as unfathomable as it sounds that the sweet baby you love and adore could be causing someone else pain, the reality is that it happens to many parents. Rice Psychology Group wants to stress that this doesn’t mean you’re a bad parent. In many of these cases, there’s an underlying issue that causes children to bully. In honor of...

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A Guide to a Positive Relationship When Your Loved One Has OCD in Tampa

Has someone in your life, a friend or family member, ever been diagnosed with a mental health condition? How did that make you feel? At Rice Psychology Group, we know whether you want to admit it or not, having someone you love diagnosed with a mental health condition, can be overwhelming. It can take a lot of time for everyone involved to adjust to a new diagnosis and learn the best ways to support your loved one. However, a new diagnosis doesn’t mean your relationship has to suffer or deteriorate. There are ways to live and thrive with your loved ones...

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Weathering the Storm: How You Can Ease Your Storm-Related Anxiety

  As we recently watched Hurricane Ian make landfall in Florida, these storms not only impact our homes, and our safety, but can negatively impact our mental health. Anxiety and overwhelming fear about what is happening, especially if you have experienced weather-emergencies before, is common. If you struggle with anxiety or depression brought on by past events or can’t seem to calm your nerves every time storm season rolls through, then you aren’t alone. Our licensed Tampa psychologists and therapists are here to help by providing some clarity on how to maintain good mental health during hurricane season. Be Prepared Unlike our friends on...

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9/11: Managing Your Emotions

Most of us remember exactly where we were on September 11th, 2001. To many, it seems like yesterday when we were learning about those devastating attacks and now it’s odd to even think that there are adults who weren't even born yet. This weekend will mark the 21st anniversary of this tragic event, and the mental health effects for those who were there and even for those of us who were watching it on the news, continues to linger on. Mentally letting go of the fear, anxiety, and depression caused by such an event isn’t easy. Fortunately, it can be managed,...

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