Rice Psychology Group, Author at Rice Psychology
Rice Psychology Group is looking to hire a Licensed Doctoral Level Child/Adolescent Psychologist.
If you are a psychologist who loves working with children and families and would like to learn more about this position or apply, click here.

Advice from Our Tampa Therapists: Youth Sports – Mostly Harmful or Helpful?

As the back-to-school season is ramping up, so is the upcoming season of youth sports. While it can seem incredibly chaotic and overwhelming to think about your child rushing to practice after a full day of school, the reality is it’s more than likely helping them far more than it is hurting them. Why do we say that? There are several reasons why our Tampa therapists believe putting your child on a sports team can be beneficial to their mental well-being, which we will explain, however, we also believe it can be good for the parents and your relationship with your...

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Psychologist Tampa Florida: A Parent’s Guide to Managing Summer Break Stress

Just know that if you are a parent dreading this season and unsure how to make it, you’re not alone. Yes, it’s important to help your child keep a positive outlook and maintain a routine, but making sure you keep your mental health in check is just as important. Our licensed psychologist Tampa Florida team and mental health counselors at Rice Psychology Group has a few tips to help you keep cool during these hot summer months. As a parent in an ideal world, summer is a time to relax, travel, and spend time with your kids, who enjoy a much-needed...

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Teachers: Real Life Superheroes

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week and Rice Psychology Group would like to take this time to talk about a few of our favorite people… teachers! We appreciate our teachers for so many reasons. They are role models and mentors. They possess the ability to inspire and motivate students, and their dedication to shaping the minds of younger generations can’t be matched. And as if we didn’t already know, 2020 taught us just how valuable and essential our teachers really are. (One of the few positive things the pandemic gave us.) Unfortunately while our teachers have arguably one of the toughest jobs in...

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Autumn Anxiety: Keeping Your Mental Health in Check this Season

The days of summer and carefree living are gone, and fall is in full swing. It’s the season of shorter days, school deadlines, sports events, holidays, and ultimately stress. Yes, with everything this time of year brings, stress and anxiety are on almost everyone’s plate. Understanding how to deal with these emotions this season can be difficult. Rice Psychology Group understands many people feel an increase in anxiety during the autumn months, and we have a few tips you can use to manage those feelings. Recognize What You’re Feeling It is normal to feel overwhelmed during this time of year. Maybe you...

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Doing Away with the Back-to-School Blues

  It’s that time of year again, kids and teachers are back to school. It’s not uncommon for children, teens, and young adults to groan and roll their eyes as they get back in the swing of getting up early, doing homework, and having late-night study sessions. Not to mention dealing with new teachers, new classmates, and new experiences. For some students, a new school year can be very exciting. For others not so much, as these new situations can bring about anxiousness and uncertainty. At Rice Psychology Group, our Tampa psychologists want to help you and your children understand and deal...

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We Are Back in the Office for Testing Only

Tour and Guidelines ...

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Dr. Nikel Rogers-Wood Vlog

Social Distancing ...

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Why School Punishments for Minor Infractions Don’t Always Work on Kids

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. Our son is a good kid and does well in school, but my husband and I have noticed that he’s made a couple of questionable decisions in recent months. Nothing serious, but enough to get our attention. We spoke to him about them when they happened, and he was always receptive. Last month, though, he was given detention after talking back to one of his teachers. He was angry and told us, “This is so stupid! All I did was make a joke about something she said! She knew I...

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How the Great Outdoors Can Help in Easing Your Depression

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. I’m a single mom who works 9 to 5 and takes care of two kids. Most of my time is spent sitting at my desk, running errands, attending school functions, helping with homework, or cleaning the house. The state of my life left me feeling lonely, empty, and depressed, which was later diagnosed by a psychologist. It was recommended that, on top of my therapy, I should make some time for myself. My psychologist recommended a jog in the park or walking the dog. After taking her advice, I was...

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Bonding with Experiences: The Importance of Growing Closer with Your Family

I’d like to share a funny story with you this week. The other day on my way to work, I came to a stoplight and immediately noticed that the car in front of me had numerous bumper stickers strewn across it. This clearly caught my attention because there were so many, and in an effort to kill time at this long light, I proceeded to count them. After all, that’s what you do when you’re stuck at a light behind a car with a ton of stickers, right? In scanning the car over, I got to 100 and stopped, mainly because the...

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