Dr. Nikel Rogers-Wood Archives | Rice Psychology

The Stigma of Mental Health in the Black Community

The origins of modern psychotherapy date back to Sigmund Freud in Vienna in the late 19th century. At that time, patients visited Dr. Freud several days a week to lie down on his couch and say anything that came to mind. During treatment for mysterious emotional or behavioral difficulties, Dr. Freud, who didn’t say much during the session, was the ultimate authority: interpreting, diagnosing, and prescribing treatment. Psychotherapy, in its original form, though helpful, wasn’t without its problems. It could be a judgmental environment where someone didn’t know what it was like to be his patient (most were women), and it...

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Protests in America: Why They’re Happening and Why We Should Listen

As fun as I like to think that I am, no one sees a psychologist if their life is going along smoothly. People come to me when they’re uncomfortable – too uncomfortable to go on with the “status quo.” That’s how changes are made, too. What we are currently doing is more uncomfortable than the discomfort of doing something different, so we change. I once had a colleague explain that, because making changes is hard, part of the work psychologists do is maintain the discomfort, to help people sit with, and remember why change is necessary. The same thing is happening...

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Dr. Nikel Rogers-Wood Vlog

Social Distancing ...

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Dr. Nikel Rogers-Wood Vlog (Friendship)

Watch, learn, and enjoy! ...

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Dr. Nikel Rogers-Wood Vlog

In this short vlog, Rice Psychology Group’s Dr. Nikel Rogers-Wood would like to discuss the back-to-school period for college students! We hear so much about kids going back to school, but what about those in higher education? Post-high school education can be a period of both academics and finding your identity, and Dr. Rogers-Wood would like to discuss this topic in length. Watch, learn, and enjoy! ...

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Ladies, It’s Time to Invest in Your Friendship Bank!

By Nikel Rogers-Wood Ph.D, Licensed Psychologist Think of the top items on your list of priorities – perhaps it’s making progress in your career, maintaining fitness goals or keeping up with the day’s tasks and appointments. I’m guessing that finding and fostering solid friendships isn’t at the top of the list – if it’s on it at all! For years, I’ve heard the idea that women are highly relational. Far from being a rumor, research shows that one of the key factors in women’s health and well-being is the presence of healthy friendships. If friendship is so important, why does it come...

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