Tampa Bay Archives | Rice Psychology

Summer Wrap-Up

Summer is a busy time of year and, if you're like me, you may not have had a chance to stay up to date on all the blogs and newsletters that you subscribe to. So, to make it easy for you, I've compiled some of our blogs from Summer 2015 along with a summary of each below. Enjoy!   9 Resources to Help Overcome Mental Health Struggles At Rice Psychology in Tampa, FL, we work with many young people who struggle with learning and attention issues. In order to provide the best service to those clients, I am always on the look out...

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Inside Out Is More Than Just a Movie for Kids

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist While I'm not in the business of reviewing movies, I was fortunate to receive an invitation to see an early preview of the new Disney Pixar movie, Inside Out. I went in with an open mind and came out blown away. This is a dream movie for any psychologist who wishes to help their patients talk about their feelings and internal experience. But that’s not all. This movie doesn’t stop at being entertainment for parents and young kids. It also sheds light on marital relationships and the internal experience of how each of our brains work....

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Remembering Our Fallen Soldiers

Memorial Day is more than a day of remembrance to honor our fallen soldiers. It is also a day when our entire nation formally becomes a community to serve as witnesses to those who have personally lost their son/daughter, brother/sister, husband/wife, father/mother, and beloved friend....

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The Power of the Group

By Elaine Spencer, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist When parents realize that their children or teens are struggling and need support, they often consider individual therapy. It's true that one-on-one therapy is an effective way for many children to work on their individual challenges through a close relationship with their therapist, but sometimes individual therapy is not enough or just isn't the right fit. One-on-one therapy can have a tremendous effect on your child, but what if it just isn't the right fit? Our group therapy may be exactly what your young one is looking for. So, what if your child needs something more or something...

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Understanding Social Media – for the Sake of Your Kids

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist Last year, I wrote a blog post about kids and social media that became quite popular. A version of it was even published on Huffington Post. The topic really hit home for many parents, who struggle to understand social media and the part it plays in the lives of their children. In fact, it was such an important issue that I now feature it as a presentation for parents, teachers and administrators here in the Tampa Bay area and recently, I got a copy of a recording so that I could share it here with you.   Many parents can...

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Remembering Lily

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist Have you heard of the “Rainbow Bridge?” It is the place that our beloved pets supposedly go after they die. Three weeks ago, on a Friday night in the park across from the vet’s office, was my Lily’s turn. It was a chilly evening but Lily was all snuggled in my arms wearing her cozy fleece-lined plaid jacket and was surrounded by loved ones. We drank a toast to Lily and wished her endless romps in green fields with an unlimited supply of toilet paper rolls, tissue boxes and popcorn to eat. She was almost 14 years...

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Signs of a 50 Shades of Messed Up Relationship

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist It is with some trepidation that I must confess that not only have I read all three 50 Shades books, but last week I also bravely took myself to see the movie. And, while many people have scoffed at the acting, the excessively explicit sexual content and lack of literary sophistication, I was drawn to both the books and the movie on several different levels. The line between role-playing and abuse in a relationship can often be hard to spot. Our psychologists are ready to help you or a loved one sort these things out. Things to Consider Let’s just...

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Become Trauma-Informed

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and trauma-related symptoms are often misunderstood. You may have experienced a traumatic event without having any symptoms or you may be symptomatic but no one has ever asked you about the traumatic event. Trauma-informed therapy does ask, "What happened to you?" not "What is wrong with you?"...

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Loosening the Ties: Letting Your Kids "Go" When It’s Time for College

By Megan Sutsko, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist There are significant moments in a child’s development that elicit both joy and anxiety for parents. These moments remind us of the unstoppable truth that, from the instant a child is brought into the world, they are moving away from their parents and towards independence; first steps, first day of school, graduations, learning to drive, moving out for college, and of course, getting married and one day having children of their own. In my work with teens, young adults, and families, it has become apparent that navigating the college departure with wisdom and bravery is crucial...

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What Kind of Life Do You Want?

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist As a newly-confessed Oprah fan, I want to share with you some of the life lessons I learned from my October weekend with Oprah and her Trailblazers in Miami. The weekend was entitled Oprah’s “The Life You Want” Weekend. The program included Friday evening with Oprah alone on stage to set the proverbial stage, and then Oprah back on Saturday along with Deepak Chopra (pioneer of mind-body medicine), Elizabeth Gilbert (of Eat, Love, Pray fame), Rob Bell (Author and Pastor) and Iyanla Vanzant (star of Iyanla: Fix My Life on OWN Network). While onstage, Oprah encouraged us...

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