parenting Archives | Rice Psychology

Summer Wrap-Up

Summer is a busy time of year and, if you're like me, you may not have had a chance to stay up to date on all the blogs and newsletters that you subscribe to. So, to make it easy for you, I've compiled some of our blogs from Summer 2015 along with a summary of each below. Enjoy!   9 Resources to Help Overcome Mental Health Struggles At Rice Psychology in Tampa, FL, we work with many young people who struggle with learning and attention issues. In order to provide the best service to those clients, I am always on the look out...

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Understanding Social Media – for the Sake of Your Kids

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist Last year, I wrote a blog post about kids and social media that became quite popular. A version of it was even published on Huffington Post. The topic really hit home for many parents, who struggle to understand social media and the part it plays in the lives of their children. In fact, it was such an important issue that I now feature it as a presentation for parents, teachers and administrators here in the Tampa Bay area and recently, I got a copy of a recording so that I could share it here with you.   Many parents can...

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Emotionally Connecting With Your Children

By Elaine Spencer, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist As a mother of two young children, I often feel that there are not enough hours in the day to take care of them and accomplish all of the seemingly endless tasks that need to be done. I end up asking myself...

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Loosening the Ties: Letting Your Kids "Go" When It’s Time for College

By Megan Sutsko, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist There are significant moments in a child’s development that elicit both joy and anxiety for parents. These moments remind us of the unstoppable truth that, from the instant a child is brought into the world, they are moving away from their parents and towards independence; first steps, first day of school, graduations, learning to drive, moving out for college, and of course, getting married and one day having children of their own. In my work with teens, young adults, and families, it has become apparent that navigating the college departure with wisdom and bravery is crucial...

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How Parents Can Be the Ultimate Spoilsports

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist The Psychological wins and losses in competitive sports are pressure enough. But, are you as a parent supporting your child or transferring your desires onto them causing them to feel stress and disappointment? Are you the dad who is insulting the ref who made a bad call? Are you the mom who wants to tell your son’s coach a thing or two after the game about either over or underplaying your child? Maybe you are the horse show parent who coaches from outside the ring, interfering with what your child’s trainer is telling her to do. And, let’s hope...

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The Psychological Price of Affluence

By Megan Sutsko, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist A recent trend in social media has users following their statuses or captions with funny self-deprecating hashtags. Examples are,  “My PureBarre class was cancelled #whitegirlproblems” or “iphone contacts deleted! #firstworldproblems.” The assumption is that when upper class Americans complain, their worries are really minimal compared to those with “real” problems. What could financially privileged families and individuals really have to complain about anyway? Well, as far as mental health is concerned, there is actually scientifically supported research that has found that the wealthiest families in our nation have some of the most at-risk children and...

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Helping Children in Split Households Cope with Separation

Dr. Wendy Rice was interviewed on The Miguel Show with Holly & Mandy about children in situations with split households and how to help them cope with separation.       ...

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Father’s Day Observations

By Mary Ann Pickard Is Father’s Day a time to just buy another greeting card or a time to think about what Dad means to you? I have observed Fathers for close to 60 years.  From my own father, to those of my cousins, classmates, students, friends, and especially the one who helped me raise my own kids.  I am pretty sure I have personally seen the full range of the worst (those who deny, abuse or abandon) to the absolute best fathers (those who love, respect and protect).The one thing they all have in common is the power to impact their...

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How to Really Treat an Eating Disorder- It’s Not Just About the Food

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist Why won’t you just start eating more?! Just eat more dessert- that will fix this eating problem! What do you mean you force yourself to throw up after you eat???  Stop doing that!!! The frustration expressed by parents of teenage girls struggling with an eating disorder generally centers around the counterintuitive and largely irrational nature of this disease.  Parents see the overt and physical ramifications of problem; their child is losing an unhealthy amount of weight, is engaging in unhealthy weight control behaviors, and is starting to think and act in very different and often distressing ways. As a...

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Social Media Safety for Children

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist As parents, the wellbeing and safety of your children is your first and foremost concern. You keep up with what they are doing, what their grades are, who their friends are, and where they go. But have you considered what they are doing and who they are interacting with on social media? Social media is the new hangout for children. It is where a majority of their socializing takes place: they set up profiles to present themselves, describe their interests, seek approval from others, post photos, and share thoughts and feelings. For children, however, free rein in...

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