Hillsborough County Archives | Rice Psychology

Summer Wrap-Up

Summer is a busy time of year and, if you're like me, you may not have had a chance to stay up to date on all the blogs and newsletters that you subscribe to. So, to make it easy for you, I've compiled some of our blogs from Summer 2015 along with a summary of each below. Enjoy!   9 Resources to Help Overcome Mental Health Struggles At Rice Psychology in Tampa, FL, we work with many young people who struggle with learning and attention issues. In order to provide the best service to those clients, I am always on the look out...

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Inside Out Is More Than Just a Movie for Kids

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist While I'm not in the business of reviewing movies, I was fortunate to receive an invitation to see an early preview of the new Disney Pixar movie, Inside Out. I went in with an open mind and came out blown away. This is a dream movie for any psychologist who wishes to help their patients talk about their feelings and internal experience. But that’s not all. This movie doesn’t stop at being entertainment for parents and young kids. It also sheds light on marital relationships and the internal experience of how each of our brains work....

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How do you measure "Smart"?

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist I recently read the book “Mindset” by psychologist, Carol Dweck.  What a wonderful discovery! Dr. Dweck’s message is that our mindset can help or hinder us to a significant degree; more than we may have even imagined. Her book is based on more than 20 years of research that demonstrates the difference between having a fixed or closed mindset and an open or growth mindset. She explains that a fixed mindset is one where you believe that qualities such as intelligence and personality are set as is and cannot be changed. Whereas, a growth mindset, is one...

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Candy, Costumes and Caution – Managing the impact of Sugar, Halloween and Safety

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist Halloween. Ahhhh. A smile just takes over my face as I say the word. I remember walking around Great Neck, New York with my friend Amy and sometimes other kids as well, filling up my plastic pumpkin and then coming home to sort through my loot. Halloween is the time of year when I discovered that Clark Bars, Bit-O-Honey and what used to be called $100,000 Bars (now called 100 Grand Bar) were oh so delicious. And the costumes? Childhood memories of the elephant costume made out of a hooded gray sweat suit (stuffed trunk and all),...

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How Your Guidance Counselor and Psychologist Can Work Together

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist When I was in high school, I struggled more than a bit with self-esteem and self-confidence. Getting homework done required an inordinate amount of effort and I rarely felt satisfied with the final product. My grades were fine but I generally had a nagging feeling that I didn’t really understand things as well as my classmates and I was convinced that I wasn’t smart. If you have read my chapter in Succeeding Against All Odds (free give away on my website homepage), you probably already know why. My school guidance counselor, Mrs. Rosner, was the first...

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How to Teach Your Child Independence

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist When I went to college, I kind of knew how to do laundry, check the oil in my car, and use my trusty hotpot to make soup.  I wasn’t quite so skilled at balancing my checkbook or managing my time effectively and, I was at a complete loss when it came to figuring out a tip in a restaurant. Over the years, I have met with several parents who are getting ready to send their children to college and wonder whether they have adequately prepared them for living independently. As part of an evaluation, we sometimes look...

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Helping Children in Split Households Cope with Separation

Dr. Wendy Rice was interviewed on The Miguel Show with Holly & Mandy about children in situations with split households and how to help them cope with separation.       ...

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