Tampa Archives | Rice Psychology

Summer Wrap-Up

Summer is a busy time of year and, if you're like me, you may not have had a chance to stay up to date on all the blogs and newsletters that you subscribe to. So, to make it easy for you, I've compiled some of our blogs from Summer 2015 along with a summary of each below. Enjoy!   9 Resources to Help Overcome Mental Health Struggles At Rice Psychology in Tampa, FL, we work with many young people who struggle with learning and attention issues. In order to provide the best service to those clients, I am always on the look out...

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Should Handcuffs Be Used in Schools?

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist A sheriff's deputy from Kentucky is currently facing federal lawsuit because he handcuffed at least two elementary school students who were acting up. It turns out that both of these children have diagnosed neurodevelopmental conditions including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which makes it difficult for them to control their emotions and behavior. As a psychologist I have worked with children who were labeled “Seriously Emotionally or Behaviorally Disturbed” and I have had children lash out at me both physically and verbally. I have been trained in how to handle these situations by first understanding what is...

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Inside Out Is More Than Just a Movie for Kids

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist While I'm not in the business of reviewing movies, I was fortunate to receive an invitation to see an early preview of the new Disney Pixar movie, Inside Out. I went in with an open mind and came out blown away. This is a dream movie for any psychologist who wishes to help their patients talk about their feelings and internal experience. But that’s not all. This movie doesn’t stop at being entertainment for parents and young kids. It also sheds light on marital relationships and the internal experience of how each of our brains work....

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Become Trauma-Informed

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and trauma-related symptoms are often misunderstood. You may have experienced a traumatic event without having any symptoms or you may be symptomatic but no one has ever asked you about the traumatic event. Trauma-informed therapy does ask, "What happened to you?" not "What is wrong with you?"...

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Candy, Costumes and Caution – Managing the impact of Sugar, Halloween and Safety

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist Halloween. Ahhhh. A smile just takes over my face as I say the word. I remember walking around Great Neck, New York with my friend Amy and sometimes other kids as well, filling up my plastic pumpkin and then coming home to sort through my loot. Halloween is the time of year when I discovered that Clark Bars, Bit-O-Honey and what used to be called $100,000 Bars (now called 100 Grand Bar) were oh so delicious. And the costumes? Childhood memories of the elephant costume made out of a hooded gray sweat suit (stuffed trunk and all),...

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How Parents Can Be the Ultimate Spoilsports

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist The Psychological wins and losses in competitive sports are pressure enough. But, are you as a parent supporting your child or transferring your desires onto them causing them to feel stress and disappointment? Are you the dad who is insulting the ref who made a bad call? Are you the mom who wants to tell your son’s coach a thing or two after the game about either over or underplaying your child? Maybe you are the horse show parent who coaches from outside the ring, interfering with what your child’s trainer is telling her to do. And, let’s hope...

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Do Today’s Children Need a Media Diet?

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist How much is too much? According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, today's children spend more than 7.5 hours a day with media. That's more than many of them spend in school and it leads me to wonder...

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Father’s Day Observations

By Mary Ann Pickard Is Father’s Day a time to just buy another greeting card or a time to think about what Dad means to you? I have observed Fathers for close to 60 years.  From my own father, to those of my cousins, classmates, students, friends, and especially the one who helped me raise my own kids.  I am pretty sure I have personally seen the full range of the worst (those who deny, abuse or abandon) to the absolute best fathers (those who love, respect and protect).The one thing they all have in common is the power to impact their...

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Psychology and Confidentiality

Dr. Wendy Rice was interviewed on The Stinchfield Report with host, Grant Stinchfield, on 570 KLIF in Dallas/Ft. Worth about psychology and confidentiality around the shootings at UC Santa Barbara in May of 2014.     ...

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Help for Those with ADHD – Assistive Technology

By Wendy Rice, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist Recently, Jamie Kaplan, Recreation Therapist from the James A. Haley VA Hospital presented to the Tampa Bay ADHD Support Network about Assistive Technology. We wanted to be sure to share his message and great ideas just in case you weren’t able to make it to the meeting. Jamie is working on his master’s degree in Assistive Technology in Special Education at Bowling Green State University, but he already has so many certifications in this area it is surprising they let him into the program! Jamie spoke about why kids with ADHD often seem to love video...

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