Anxiety Disorder Archives | Page 5 of 6 | Rice Psychology

No More Stigmas: Speaking Out About Your Anxiety and Depression

On June 5, we lost fashion icon Kate Spade. Many of us knew her brand and loved her purses, iPhone cases and accessories. What most in the public were completely unaware of was that under that lighthearted and creative exterior lived a woman who suffered terribly from depression and a fear of “being found out”. She worried that if her struggles with depression were made public, it would tarnish her image and damage her business. It’s heartbreaking that she was so afraid of what others would say if she privately sought help and spoke out about her mental illness. On Friday,...

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Seeking Too Much: Why Constantly Reassuring Your Children Isn’t Always Good

I’ve noticed over the past year or so that Chelsea has been asking me more and more of the same types of questions. These can range from, “Will you definitely be picking me up from soccer practice after school?”, to “Are you sure that the vegetables in the salad aren’t spoiled?” I usually answer these with a simple and reassuring “yes” to quell her concerns, but it’s getting to the point that she’s needing reassurance for almost everything and is sometimes asking me the same thing but in different ways. Is there any way I can simply ease her away...

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Overwhelming Worries: A Close Look at Anxiety Disorders

I have to admit that I haven’t felt like myself lately. Actually, I’m not even sure what truly feeling like myself is like anymore. I often find myself trying to battle the most uncontrollable worries imaginable: a sense of panic and overall restlessness. The funny thing is that I can’t find a reason why I’m feeling this way to begin with. I mean, I experience stress from work and normal issues at home, but is this enough to make it as overwhelming as it is? Do you remember standing in front of your classroom, feeling anxious as you prepared to make...

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Overwhelmed: Overcoming Anxiety Brought on by Events in the World Around You

I like to consider myself a rational person who’s calm and in control of what goes on around me. Sometimes, though, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the news, current events and all of those CNN updates that seem to pop up on my phone throughout the day. Just last week, I was watching the evening news and the anchors were discussing yet another school shooting that happened on the other side of the country. It feels like they’re happening much more often! My first thought was, “What if that was my kids’ school?” I felt intense fear just...

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How Physical Activity Can Reduce Your Olympic-Sized Anxiety

I honestly don’t even know why I’m worried most of the time. We’re doing well with money, my job is perfect and our kids are happy, but for some reason I’m constantly feeling anxious. I have trouble sleeping most times, and lately I’ve been feeling like I’m on the verge of having a full-fledged panic attack. Michael says I should probably do some exercise to calm my nerves, but would that even help? I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try, but I just don’t have the energy to do tiring workouts every day. Whatever this is, I need to fix...

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Facing the Post-Graduation Slump

I guess I haven’t felt like myself lately. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think I’m depressed or anything, but I just feel…down. I really am glad that I finally graduated. With all the work I did over four very long years, who wouldn’t be happy to finally be done with school? But I guess I’m just scared of what lies ahead. Some of my friends already have jobs and others are planning on moving to different cities in search of an adventure, but I have no idea what’s coming my way. Was my hard work done in vain? It’s now...

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Just Do It – Not Just for Nike!

I’m glad I get to go home now...

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Keep Calm and Color On

By Elaine Spencer, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist   I walked into Michaels Craft store the other day and was pleasantly surprised to see the front display was advertising coloring books for adults and I thought to myself, “Wow! Coloring really is the new craze!” So What is This New Coloring Phenomenon All About? The simple answer is that coloring can actually be therapeutic.  If you were like me as a child, you spent hours with your coloring books and your parents probably thought you enjoyed coloring because ‘that’s what kids do’.  We now know that children are on to something because not only is coloring...

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Spotting the Signs of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Chances are you, like many of us, have looked at a mirror and decided to improve a certain part of your body, whether it’s an uneven smile or the shape of your eyes. While this can be normal, these thoughts don’t interfere with our daily lives. However, some people can obsess intensely over a specific aspect of their image, which can be extremely harmful and problematic. Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental illness characterized by the inability to stop thinking about appearance flaws, whether they’re minor or non-existent. How can you tell if a loved one is experiencing body dysmorphic disorder?...

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Up Close and Personal with Anxiety Disorders – Part 2

Part one of our series on anxiety disorders gave you a closer look at the different types that can affect a person’s life. This information can be extremely helpful when finding the treatment you, or your child, need. How can you be sure you or a loved one is inching closer to an anxiety disorder? At the Rice Psychology Group, we prioritize your mental health and want to help you identify common signs of an anxiety disorder. The Rice Psychology Group knows how important it is to address your issues. Let your journey back to normality start today. Reading the Signs It’s important to...

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