Parenting Archives | Page 2 of 11 | Rice Psychology

How Depression, Anxiety, and Even ADHD Can Lead to Unhealthy Coping Habits

This week, I’m sharing my own true story. Here’s part one. When the pandemic hit and people started shopping because they thought it was the end of the world, I was a bit late to the party. I missed the memo about buying toilet paper and ended up ordering mine from but found tons of delicious treats in all of the other middle aisles in the supermarket. Suddenly, I was back to my childhood eating habits and had my kitchen stocked with Oreos of all varieties, sugary cereals, cookie dough, cake and brownie mixes, pasta, the list goes on. And...

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Away for College: Easing Your Worries About Your Child Amid COVID-19

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. Last week, my husband and I dropped our oldest son off at college. After 18 years of having him at home, he’ll pretty much be on his own and it worries me. This pandemic is causing me to conjure up worst-case scenarios about his health. Some of his classes are in-person, and let’s face it, kids haven’t been the best at social distancing. It doesn’t help that I keep seeing news stories of colleges having COVID-19 outbreaks. I’m scared he’ll get sick. I’ve spoken to him a couple of times...

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Voting: A Simple Step That Can Help Your Mental Health

Politics can be a very stressful topic. With so much negativity, accusations, and misinformation on the news and social media, it’s no wonder that people get burnt out and just want to tune it all out! Pair this with everything else going on in the world and it’s almost too much to handle. However, I got out to cast my vote in the latest runoff election and can say that this made me feel a little more in control. I felt I did my part in helping make our world a better place. It lifted my spirits and gave me...

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Teaching Your Children the Importance of Saving Their Money

Consider the following example as it relates to this week’s topic. It’s a true story but the child’s name has been changed to protect his privacy. I’m so proud of my young son. A little over a year ago, Alexander and I had a discussion about the importance of earning and saving money. We set a financial goal for him to achieve, and I committed to match his earnings/savings and assist him with opening a bank account once that goal was reached. He worked hard by completing chores and saving money that he’d received for special occasions (birthdays, the tooth fairy,...

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Living with and Learning More About Yourself

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. Before the pandemic, I was able to handle just about anything my family threw at me: the usual wife/mommy duties of the day. Now, because we’ve been spending so much time together, my super mom/wife abilities seem to have vanished. I’m snapping more at the kids, finding my husband’s habits more bothersome, and seem to be constantly fighting the urge to lock myself in the bathroom for some peace and quiet. Last night, I sat down and thought about my actions and feelings toward my family over the last few...

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If Your Child is Moody, Then it May be Time for a Break from the Screen

When our kids’ school switched to online learning, I thought it’d be for a short time. Now their school has extended it for the rest of the year, and I’m noticing just how much time they spend on their laptops and phones. At first, it was no big deal since they have nothing of great importance to do here at home other than schoolwork. But now my husband and I have noticed that they have even less motivation than usual and are often more bad-tempered. I think it has to do with all the time they spend online, especially playing...

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Getting Outside Again: The Benefits of the Outdoors for Your Kids

When the stay-at-home order was first put in place, my family and I made the best of it. We were lucky enough to have our jobs switch to work-from-home, and my husband has taken responsibility for helping our kids with their online schoolwork. As the weeks went by, though, we all became incredibly lethargic from being inside all day. One day, we decided to spend an afternoon in the backyard away from our laptops, phones, and tablets. It felt great! I did some gardening, my husband did some yard work, and the kids tossed the ball around and made up...

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The Benefits of Keeping a Four-Legged Friend Around During Home Isolation

The first couple of weeks of my city’s stay-at-home order were rough. I’m single with no kids, so my apartment was quieter than I could have ever imagined while working from home. It got so bad that I started feeling stressed and anxious from being cooped up all day. During a call with my sister, she suggested adopting a dog. She owns one, or actually tells me that her dog owns her, and says that there’s never a dull moment in her home. I went to my local animal shelter and came home with the cutest dog! Eloise is small,...

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If we all weren’t juggling enough between the many hats we wear as parents, spouses, professionals, and friends; now we have the added stress that has come with the challenges associated with COVID-19 and social-distancing. It is entirely reasonable at this time to feel anxiety over the uncertainty and trying to juggle the never-ending list of responsibilities without everything falling apart. While the list of things to do appears never-ending, practicing mindfulness, even if it is for 5 minutes during short breaks throughout the day can help reduce anxiety. First off, what is mindfulness? While it takes practice, it is not...

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COVID-19: What to Expect During a Period of Uncertainty and Potential Panic

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. As a parent, worrying about the flu or common cold every year is nothing new. My husband and I are always prepared, but this year is different. COVID-19 caught us off guard and we aren’t quite sure what to do. Not only is the possibility of catching the virus scary, but it’s also causing our kids to ask a lot of questions that we don’t know how to answer. Also, my parents are getting older and they seem to be at the highest risk. Between news outlets, social media, and...

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