Psychologist Tampa FAQs: Diagnostic Interviews, Psychological Evaluations

Psychologist Tampa FAQs – Diagnostic Interviews, Testing and Assessment

Q: My child is struggling in school. What types of testing and assessment services does Rice Psychology Group offer?


help for kids struggling in schoolA: Children who have difficulty with reading, writing or math often dislike or avoid going to school and feel badly about themselves. Some may have a learning disability or learning difference, and others may be learning ahead of their classmates and feeling held back. Our psychologist Tampa offers a comprehensive, specialized approach to assessing children’s learning profiles, strengths and weaknesses, and developing plans for intervention and remediation. Following the evaluation, we’ll provide a thorough and parent- friendly report with many highly effective, proven recommendations.


Q: What is a Psychoeducational Evaluation?


A: A psychoeducational evaluation (also referred to as academic testing, learning disability evaluation or psychological evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of intellectual abilities, academic achievement and processing areas such as memory, processing speed and visual-spatial abilities. It also incorporates an evaluation of social, emotional and behavioral functioning. All of our evaluations utilize standardized tests and procedures.


Q: What is a Neuropsychological Evaluation?


A: A neuropsychological evaluation is a more in-depth assessment that is concerned with learning and behavior in relationship to a child’s developing brain structures and systems. A neuropsychological assessment will examine the areas included in the psychoeducational evaluation, but it includes additional areas of assessment with certain abilities measured in more detail depending on the areas of need.

A variety of areas are systematically tested, and may include:

  • Intelligence
  • Problem solving and conceptualization
  • Executive functioning skills such as planning, organization and flexibility
  • Attention, memory and learning
  • Language
  • Academic skills
  • Perceptual and motor abilities
  • Emotions, behavior and personality

Visit Our Psychologist Tampa to Learn More

The evaluation is a time intensive process, which involves hours of testing and a feedback session to discuss the results. Contact our expert therapists at Rice Psychology Group to learn more about our services.



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