Tampa Therapists | Rice Psychology in Tampa | Psychological Assessment and Treatment

Contact Our Tampa Therapists

Thank you for your interest in Rice Psychology Group – Tampa Therapists. To schedule an appointment for our diagnostic interviews, testing and assessment, therapy, cognitive training, or attention and organization services, please contact us.

child and adult psychologist in Tampa | Rice Psychology Group in Tampa, FL

Contact us today by filling out the form below:

  • Please note: Contacting a therapist at Rice Psychology or emailing the office does not establish a therapist-patient relationship. If this an emergency please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

Additional contact information:

Phone: 813.969.3878

Fax: 813.969.3887

E-mail: Info@RicePsychology.com

Presentations, Media and Feedback:

The professionals at Rice Psychology Group are available for presentations to parent groups, schools and professional organizations as well as media inquiries. Please contact us at 813.969.3878 to learn more.

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