Parenting Archives | Page 6 of 11 | Rice Psychology

Kid’s Health: The Power of Free Play

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic.  Last week, I found out that my best friend is expecting a baby, so a bunch of us went out to celebrate during the weekend. While chatting, I was asked how I plan to raise my own baby daughter. I kind of brushed off the question at first, but truth be told, I hope I’m able to raise her the way I was raised. I mean, you rarely see kids outside playing anymore. They spend their days at school, doing homework and in front of a screen, and they rarely...

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How to React When Seeing Your Child’s Report Card

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. My oldest son Benjamin is a very smart kid, but I’ve noticed for a while now that he’s been all over the place with his school grades. During one marking period, he’ll bring in mostly A’s, and in the next it’ll have some C’s and even a D. I know that he’s a teen and that life is starting to change for him. My husband and I don’t want to be too hard on him when he brings home a bad grade, but quite frankly, I’m freaking out! If anything,...

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Why “Yes” Works: Taking a Break from Being a Constant “No” Parent

Consider the following as they relate to this week’s topic. 16-year old boy: I have to argue with my mom because, no matter what I ask her, her first answer is always no. And if I calmly accept that, she’ll never let me do anything because she’ll think that saying no to me is okay. So, I argue even if I know that what I want is something she’d never let me do. That way, when I ask for more reasonable things, maybe she’ll say yes! Driving home from soccer practice at 8:00 PM on a week night:  Take 1:  12-year old girl: Mom, could...

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Seeking Too Much: Why Constantly Reassuring Your Children Isn’t Always Good

I’ve noticed over the past year or so that Chelsea has been asking me more and more of the same types of questions. These can range from, “Will you definitely be picking me up from soccer practice after school?”, to “Are you sure that the vegetables in the salad aren’t spoiled?” I usually answer these with a simple and reassuring “yes” to quell her concerns, but it’s getting to the point that she’s needing reassurance for almost everything and is sometimes asking me the same thing but in different ways. Is there any way I can simply ease her away...

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Social Tips: Helping Your Child Connect

I was at my mother’s yesterday and was telling her about how Brian can be pretty awkward when he’s with other kids. It’s not that he doesn’t like spending time with his classmates; it’s just that his social cues seem to be…off. I told her that two of his friends told him what appeared to be a secret, and he replied by repeating what he’d just heard loud enough for everyone to hear. While I laughed as I witnessed it, I realized that this might be a sign that his social skills are not exactly honed. I want Brian to...

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A Smartphone Holiday: What You Should Keep in Mind Before Making a Purchase for Your Child

Written by Matthew Rigberg, LHMC Susan is the mother of a 12-year old boy and 14-year old girl. She finds herself in a difficult spot. Both of her children have given her a list of gifts that they’d like, and a smartphone is at the top of each. Susan understands the utility of a smartphone; it allows her and her children to remain in contact throughout the day, it’s great for emergencies and will allow her kids to communicate and interact with their friends. She and her husband have worked hard to raise responsible, conscientious people, though she wonders if they...

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Kids and Smartphones: When is the Perfect Time for Them to Own One?

Last night, I participated in another showing of Screenagers. This time, it was presented at Hillel Academy in Tampa with co-sponsorship by Tampa Day School and Keystone Prep High School with over 100 people in attendance. I led the discussion following the movie and one of the questions that was asked was, “At what age is right or best to give your child a smartphone?” Deciding When the Time is Right Not having an exact age to offer and being well aware of the challenges smartphones come with, my answer was that there would need to be extenuating circumstances to warrant giving...

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Fear with Kids: What’s Normal and What’s Not?

I’m a bit nervous for this year’s Halloween. I have three kids and my two oldest are more than excited, but my youngest is the one I’m worried about. Last Halloween was Nick’s first outing to a haunted house and trick-or-treating. He was only six years old, so I should’ve known better. I didn’t prepare him at all for the haunted house and he ran out screaming and crying a minute after entering. I felt so horrible seeing him terrified like that. For a few days, he was constantly remembering what had happened that night. He’s fine now but I...

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Pregnancy: Getting Through One of the Most Difficult Periods of Your Life

Written by Amanda Schwait Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist There are few phrases in life that change your world quite like the words, “You’re pregnant.” No matter the circumstances surrounding your pregnancy, you can be sure that there are definitely going to be changes in your body, mind, lifestyle and/or family structure. Before getting to the part where you’ll raise a child, you’ll have to make it through the pregnancy. Life is full of challenges. Sometimes, we easily rise to the occasion, but there are also times where we need help understanding what's going on and how to cope. With the help of our...

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That Time of Year Again: Helping Your Kids Gear Up for a New School Year

*Author’s Note: Many of our readers live in Florida where school starts during the second week of August. We know that the northerners still have another month of summer to go. Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s piece. A week into the new school year and I can already tell it’s going to be a tough one. Angela is still struggling to wake up early and having difficulty with homework. To top things off, my husband and I received a call from her teacher this morning telling us that Angela can barely keep her eyes open during class!...

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