Dr. Wendy Rice, Author at Rice Psychology | Page 11 of 30

Would You Cheat for Your Kids? How Far is Too Far When it Comes to Helping Them Get Ahead?

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. My oldest son is in high school and has a big project due for history class. I’ve always loved history and really want to help him with it. The thing is, the last time he needed help with something this large in school, I practically did it all for him. And it wasn’t because he asked me to. I hate to admit that I did it because I felt his work wasn’t good enough to begin with. Rather than talk to him about it and offer pointers on improving...

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Ongoing Study Finds That Over 2 Hours of Screen Time a Day Can Negatively Affect a Child’s Brain

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. Andrea and I will be welcoming our daughter in just a few weeks! We couldn’t be more excited! Of course, this also means we’re beginning to discuss how we’re going to raise her. While we agree on almost everything, we disagree on technology. Andrea says she wants our daughter to have a tablet along with access to apps that will provide her with endless learning and entertainment opportunities. I’m very apprehensive. Too much technology already seems to negatively affect adults, so wouldn’t it be even worse for kids? Over the...

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White Lies: Your Child’s Deceit May Not Be as Bad as You Think

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. “You cannot lie to me, Sarah. Do you understand?” My husband Stephen’s tone was soft but serious. Sarah’s little toddler head nodded. A few hours later, after we had put her to bed, I asked Stephen what that was all about. He said he caught Sarah lying to him about dipping her finger into the Nutella jar. I giggled, of course, and told him he shouldn’t be upset about that. He then went on to tell me that if he doesn’t teach Sarah that lying is bad, she’ll be...

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Starting Over: Not Reaching Your Goals May Just Mean That You Haven’t Figured it Out “Yet”

The human condition is amazing for its ability to fail at something repeatedly and, when it is important, to keep on trying. This week’s vignette comes from a personal experience of mine. The struggle began in high school when my mother and I tried out the “Stewardess Diet”. All I remember was that it included beets, a new food for me at the time. I can’t recall if either of us lost any weight, but we definitely bonded over our efforts. I’m not even sure if I needed to lose weight! Now, after many years and at least as many diets, I...

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Taking it One Step at a Time: Overcoming the Loss of a Loved One

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. My coworker, Jane, recently lost her terminally-ill grandfather and has since been visibly gloomy. I asked her if everything was okay, but of course, she is devastated. I keep hoping that her mood improves. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case and she’s become increasingly secluded and avoids everyone at the office. She’s also requested a few personal days from work. I offered to visit her at home, but she didn’t want to talk to anyone. Is there any way to help her? Losing someone you love can be one of...

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The Power of Goal Setting: A Guide to Moving Forward

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. It’s been a little over a year since I graduated college and moved out-of-state for a job. It seems crazy, but I already feel stuck. I mentioned this to my parents and a few friends, and they all say the same thing: you’re too young to be stuck. They said that I’ll find a way out of my situation. I honestly don’t know what it is that’s causing me to feel this way. Back when I was in college, I felt driven! I was focused on my classes and always...

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Tampa’s Winter “Warmerland” is Exactly What Your Body and Mind Need!

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. And, if you’re reading this from anywhere in the northern U.S. or Canada, please forgive us. We feel for you and hope that you can stay inside by a warm fire with cocoa at the very least during this polar vortex episode! After five years of freezing temperatures and snow storms in New Jersey, Matt and I decided to call Florida home. Just a week after settling in, we realized that this was probably the best decision we’ve made together! Matt goes on bike rides every day and I...

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The Internet, Adult ADHD, and the Best Ways to Stay Focused

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. I’m a registered nurse and, recently, I was assigned to a more administrative position that requires a lot of desk work. Before, I was always on my feet, going back and forth between patients and following a schedule that helped me take care of my responsibilities. Now, I’m in front of a computer most of my shift. As an adult with ADHD, this makes me nervous since I am easily distracted by the many things going on around me. With new duties that don’t really require following a typical...

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Your Child, Their Talent, and Helping Them Develop It

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic. As soon as I found out Brianna and I were having a boy, I was over the moon! Of course, I would be happy with any healthy baby, but having a boy really excited me. I immediately started daydreaming about holding him, watching him grow, and sharing all that I know with him. But what if he isn’t interested in any of those things that I love? What if he takes up drawing, bowling, or something equally foreign to me? How will I feel about that? For ages, parents from around...

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New Year, New You: Physical Activity Can Make a Big Mental Difference

  Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic: At the beginning of the year, I told myself I’d be hitting the gym a lot more often. The goal was to stay active and keep those extra pounds at bay. The first few weeks were great! I was jogging at least three times a week and lifting weights as often as I could. Sure, I was a little tired when I’d get home, but I was feeling better both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, as the year went on, I started cutting back on the exercise and soon I was...

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