Cognitive Behavior Therapy Archives | Page 2 of 2 | Rice Psychology

May is the Month for Mental Health Awareness

In the past, mental health issues appeared to have a less-than-helpful stigma surrounding them. Now, the support and acceptance of mental health topics have grown exponentially. May is National Mental Health Awareness Month and serves to raise consciousness for mental illnesses and other associated issues. While it was in 2013 that President Obama officially named May as National Mental Health Awareness Month, the support for this issue has existed for decades. The support you need is just a phone call away. Contact the Rice Therapy Group today. A Long History of Support Millions of Americans face the reality of mental health issues each...

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Turning Anxiety into Coping

We all have worries – right? Regardless of our age, everyone has had a worry from time to time. A 10 year old girl named Sarah* worried daily about whether another child in her classroom would get sick and make her sick. An 8 year old boy named Rich* worried that his mom might get into a car accident after dropping him off at school. A teenager named Jessica* worried that people judged her all day long at school so she was afraid to speak much to anyone. Some common worries involve health and safety of ourselves or loved ones, job...

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The Skinny on BMI Report Cards

Submitted by Dr. Steffanie Sperry Sally’s mother comes home from work and finds 9 –year-old Sally withdrawn and visibly upset. Upon questioning her daughter, she discovers that Sally had been given a BMI report card at school earlier that day. Sally tells her mother that she does not want to be ”fat”, and she wants to know what is wrong with her. She just wants to be like the other girls in her class that are in the “normal” range. Sally’s mother is taken aback and does not know what to say or how to respond to her daughter. There has been...

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De-Stressing Your Family Holidays: 6 Simple Tips to Cope By Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

It's been said that insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results, and yet, year after year, millions of people throughout the world repeat the same old patterns.  They grit their teeth and spend the holidays with parents who still bring up the time they were expelled for hitting the teacher with a water balloon; in-laws who would criticize each and every move every time they see you, and siblings who still hold grudges for long forgotten childhood fights. Often these holiday gatherings mean that there's simply "too much".  People eat and drink too much, spend too much, and,...

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