New Year's Words of Wisdom | Rice Psychology

New Year’s Words of Wisdom

HNYHNYThis week there will be no usual blog post or newsletter. Instead, I want to say Seasons Greetings, Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

In lieu of a long post this week, I am going to share some holiday words of wisdom:

Be grateful for all that you have instead of focusing on what you are missing.  Some things will go well and other things simply won’t. That’s okay and that’s life. Once again, try to remember the good parts. Optimists are notoriously happier than pessimists!

Enjoy the delicious food and other holiday goodies – tis the season.  Try to avoid beating yourself up for indulging. I’m a big believer in “everything in moderation.” There will be plenty of time for self- restraint next week.

Be kind to yourself and your loved ones. While you can apologize for harsh words and deeds, you cannot erase them completely. They still hurt. Try to stop and think before you speak or act out of anger or impatience.

Put your electronics away and enjoy your friends, family and this joyous season.  You can’t get the time back!  Your smartphone, along with your diet, will still be here next week.  Your time and attention are among your most valuable gifts.

And, if you are not having the kind of holiday season you might have wished for, please do not despair.  There is hope and likely some things that you can do differently in 2015 to ensure that next year will be more enjoyable for you.  Let us know if we can help.

Finally, as my great-grandfather Sam Cohen would say “Health Above All.

See you again in 2015!



About Rice Psychology

Rice Psychology Group is home to a team of psychologists who work tirelessly to help adults, adolescents and children deal with their issues. Whether you’re currently dealing with depression, going through a divorce or fighting an issue you just can’t understand, know that our Tampa psychologists are here to help.

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