Helping Your Kids Gear Up for a New School Year | Rice Psychology

That Time of Year Again: Helping Your Kids Gear Up for a New School Year

*Author’s Note: Many of our readers live in Florida where school starts during the second week of August. We know that the northerners still have another month of summer to go.

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s piece.

A week into the new school year and I can already tell it’s going to be a tough one. Angela is still struggling to wake up early and having difficulty with homework. To top things off, my husband and I received a call from her teacher this morning telling us that Angela can barely keep her eyes open during class! A friend of mine has three older kids and she says Angela is still getting used to the new school year, but I really wish there was something we could have done to get her ready to take on each school day!

New School year

The first few weeks of a school year can be exciting and exhausting for your kids. Share on X

The new school year is almost upon us, and as sighs and groans are heard across the nation, it’s important to remember preparedness. The first few weeks of a school year can be exciting and exhausting for your kids. This can leave them struggling to get used to their new schedule and demands. At Rice Psychology Group, we believe readiness is a must, which is why our psychologists have prepared information that will help get your kids back into the school routine.

It can be difficult for kids to get used to new routines. Contact us today to learn more about teaching yours to adjust to changes in their lives.

Sleep Matters

Summers are full of late nights filled with video games, scary movies and time with friends – often with no bed times! While fun, this can lead to significant issues once kids are readying to head back to school. To help, adjust your child’s bedtime closer to what it’ll be like during the school year. It’s best to start doing this a couple of weeks before their first day to allow them to adjust to their new sleep schedule.

Independence is Key

Independence is valuable for kids, so why not start teaching your kids to have their own? Share on X

Independence is valuable for young adults, so why not start teaching your kids to have their own? You can start by encouraging them to find their own way to wake up in the morning or getting them involved when picking out their lunches. You can even graduate them to packing their own lunches and snacks every day before school, or even better, the night before.

Get Into the Spirit

When you were a kid, how did you feel during the few days before school started? Share on X

When you were a kid, how did you feel during the few days before school started? Did you feel excited or uninspired? If you felt the latter, you now have a chance to prevent your kids from feeling the same! Take them back-to-school shopping for any supplies that they’ll need. Let them pick out their own pencils, folders, pencil cases, highlighters and notebooks. Help them set up their own special work area at home! Equip it with everything they’ll need to get their homework done and watch them get back into the swing of things.

Wake the Brain Up

The academic brain often goes into hibernation mode during summer, so try to wake it back up! Share on X

The academic brain often goes into hibernation mode during summer, so try to wake it back up! Have your kids completed their summer assignments, or do they need to review them before the first day? Would your child benefit from some pleasure reading in the morning or before bed? Whatever the answers to these questions are, it’s your job to make sure that their brain is up and ready to learn before the school year begins!

Goals Are a Must

It’s important to encourage your kids to reflect on their previous school year. Share on X

It’s important to encourage your kids to reflect on their previous school year. Did they think their classes went well or are there things that need improvement? Is there something they would like to do differently? Take a minute to remind them that there are things they won’t be able to control, like their teacher’s personality or style, but they will be able to set goals for themselves. Help them jot a few down and then review them at the end of each week or at the midway point of the first marking period.

Take the Right Step Towards the School Year

The beginning of the school year can be a drag for many kids, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Take the necessary measures to help get yours into the best routine and remember that our licensed psychologists in Tampa are here to help. For more information, reach out to us today!

About Rice Psychology

Rice Psychology Group is home to a team of psychologists who work tirelessly to help adults, adolescents and children deal with their issues. Whether you’re currently dealing with depression, going through a divorce or fighting an issue you just can’t understand, know that our Tampa psychologists are here to help.

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