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Learn to Hope and Cope During Trying Times with Our Tampa Psychologists

It seems no matter where you turn, another report of a crisis is happening in the world. With the conflict unfolding in Ukraine, the images and videos of this incursion can be incredibly traumatic and frightening. Anyone can become fearful, wondering what is happening in the world and what will happen next.

The significance of this crisis can be more overwhelming for people who live with anxiety or depression, especially given the hardships the world has endured together the past few years. Some may believe the only way to combat our feelings of hopelessness is to withdraw or not deal with them. However, this isn’t true—there is always a solution.

How do you stay connected to what is happening in the world and protect your mental health at the same time? Rice Psychology Group can help!

Learn to Hope and Cope During Trying Times with Our Tampa Psychologists our tampa psychologists

Our Tampa Psychologists Will Acknowledge Your Feelings

Know that feeling anxious is common and can be expected for many during these times. Chances are, if you talk to your family and friends, you will find they are experiencing similar feelings. If you already live with anxiety or extreme stress or loss, hearing about new pain can hurt more. Remember, you are not being overdramatic or too sensitive. Your feelings at this moment are valid, and recognizing that is the first step to coping.

Make Mental Health a Top Priority

If you or a loved one are feeling anxious and overwhelmed, try these helpful tips:

  • Don’t be hard on yourself. If you feel overwhelmed or anxious, unwind by spending time with loved ones or enjoying your favorite hobbies.
  • Get up and move. Even if for a few minutes a day, physical activity is a great way to reduce anxiety, boost your mood, and lower stress.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Sleeping seven to eight hours a night can help your mind reset and give you a fresh outlook on the following day.
  • Focus your attention on activities you can control. Adding structure to your day can help you in times of uncertainty.
  • Limit your exposure to media coverage. Set time limits for how long you read or watch the news and find platforms with less graphic content.
  • Look for the good. Find positive sharing online accounts and websites, and follow them to learn about all the good happening in the world.
  • Speak with one of our licensed Tampa counselors from Rice Psychology Group. Our psychologists can provide guidance and support so you don’t have to deal with anxiety or grief alone. 

Find Support with a Reliable Tampa Psychologist

You are not alone when dealing with situations out of your control. Our Tampa psychologists can support you to live your life the way you want successfully. Contact us to schedule an initial appointment or a free, 10-minute consultation.

We offer private online sessions via telehealth and a limited number of online and in-person evaluations. We also offer gifted testing for children and young adults

About Rice Psychology

Rice Psychology Group is home to a team of psychologists who work tirelessly to help adults, adolescents and children deal with their issues. Whether you’re currently dealing with depression, going through a divorce or fighting an issue you just can’t understand, know that our Tampa psychologists are here to help.

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