Valentine's Day: A Love/Hate Relationship | Rice Psychology

Valentine’s Day: A Love/Hate Relationship

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic.

It’s that time of year again, and I really wish I wasn’t reminded by it every time I walk into a store, restaurant or anywhere else for that matter. I’m sick of the hearts taped on doors, the arrow-wielding Cupids on walls and the sudden influx of roses at the flower section. I swear my favorite part of Valentine’s Day is the day after when all the chocolates go on sale for people like me. My sister says I should lighten up and try to do something fun this year, even though I haven’t had a boyfriend in some time. I don’t know, maybe I’ll think about it.

Valentine's Day: A Love/Hate Relationship

Ah, the sweet smell of Valentine’s Day is in the air! The roses are red, the violets are blue but it’s not always easy to see the day through. You see, while there are many people who love the occasion, there are others who completely despise it. Whatever the case, it can be a tough date to get through, which is why Rice Psychology Group is here to help with our Valentine’s Day survival guide.

Some days out of the year can be tough to get through. If you’re feeling down or overwhelmed over a certain day, then reach out to our psychologists in Tampa to talk about it!

Be Mine

Have you truly sat down and wondered what makes your loved one feel special? Share on X

If you’re the type of person who can’t wait to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your significant other, you’re off to a good start. However, there are some steps you can take to make your romantic occasion even more enjoyable.

  • Take a note from The Five Love Languages – No really, Dr. Gary Chapman’s book underlines what he calls the “five love languages”: receiving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service and physical touch. By better understanding the language your loved one “speaks”, you’ll easily understand the things that make them go nuts!
  • Practice perspective thinking – Have you truly sat down and wondered what makes your loved one feel special? Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to do so. Put yourself in their shoes and think about their reaction when you do or say the things you’re planning.
  • Take everything into consideration – Is your date uneasy with big crowds? If so, a night on the dancefloor may be a bit of a stretch. Will he/she be exhausted after work? Let’s postpone until the weekend.

No Chance

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be spent with the love of your life. Share on X

Being single can be extremely frustrating, especially when everyone around you seems to have a lovebird by their side. If you’ve sworn off Valentine’s Day, we’d like to ask you to reconsider. After all, you can make it a great occasion all on your own!

  • Do something nice for someone you love – Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be spent with the love of your life. In fact, you can take the time to do something special for a family member, best friend or anyone else you love.
  • Treat yourself – We don’t know about you, but Valentine’s Day sounds like the perfect opportunity to pamper yourself. How about a nice relaxing spa day or a rewarding shopping trip?
  • Catch up with an old friend – It isn’t uncommon to lose touch with some friends, so why not spend the day catching up with someone you miss?
  • Spend time with other single friends – Turn your celebration into a party with other people you love! Ask them to bring some food, dance to some music and laugh the day away with the company you deserve.

Ready to Help

Holidays like Valentine’s Day can often be difficult to go through, which is why we’re always ready to lend a helping hand. The Tampa team of psychologists from Rice Psychology is here to talk with you so that we can find the solution you need. For more information about our services, give us a call today.

About Rice Psychology

Rice Psychology Group is home to a team of psychologists who work tirelessly to help adults, adolescents and children deal with their issues. Whether you’re currently dealing with depression, going through a divorce or fighting an issue you just can’t understand, know that our Tampa psychologists are here to help.

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