Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic.
My coworker, Jane, recently lost her terminally-ill grandfather and has since been visibly gloomy. I asked her if everything was okay, but of course, she is devastated. I keep hoping that her mood improves. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case and she’s become increasingly secluded and avoids everyone at the office. She’s also requested a few personal days from work. I offered to visit her at home, but she didn’t want to talk to anyone. Is there any way to help her?
Losing someone you love can be one of the toughest of life’s experiences. It’s important to understand that everyone copes with loss in different ways; some seem to be able to cope well and barely miss a beat while others struggle for weeks, months, or even years. Such was the case with actor Kristoff St. John, whose ongoing personal struggle following the death of his son in 2014, recently made news.
Losing someone you love can be one of the toughest of life’s experiences. Share on XNo Boundaries for Pain
According to news reports, Mr. St. John died in early February in Los Angeles, California. He had long been outspoken about the challenges he faced with his son’s mental illness and eventual death by suicide at the age of 24.
“He was so loving and not afraid to show it, but I think that just proves that you never really can know someone’s pain — even though Kristoff actually shared a lot of his suffering with the world,” wrote Stephanie Sloane, editorial director at Soap Opera Digest.
Stories like these remind us of just how difficult it can be to deal with the loss of someone you love, despite sharing what you’re going through. And few losses are more devastating than experiencing the death of one’s child.
Moving Forward
Overcoming grief is a process that doesn’t happen overnight. Share on XOvercoming grief is a process that doesn’t happen overnight. When grieving, it’s extremely important that we find the time to care for ourselves. The pain and suffering you feel can affect your emotions, relationships with others, and overall well-being.
Our feelings are there for a reason; give them the space and respect they deserve. Share on XIf you’ve lost someone you hold dear, please take the necessary steps to:
- Be honest about your feelings. Try to identify them for yourself, whether you feel sadness, regret, anger, or loneliness.
- Articulate your emotions in some sort of tangible way such as through writing, typing, drawing, or painting.
- Continue taking care of yourself. Physical self-care can have a positive impact on your emotional state while grieving.
- Prevent yourself and others from diminishing or brushing aside your emotions. Our feelings are there for a reason; give them the space and respect they deserve.
- Recognize the things that trigger your grief. These can include anniversaries, holidays, birthdays, or even physical objects. We’re not suggesting that you do whatever you can to avoid them, rather, prepare yourself for the inevitable emotions that will come with them.
Your Mental Health is Our Priority
At Rice Psychology Group, we know just how difficult it can be to experience a personal loss, but we can help you feel better. You may be uneasy about discussing your feelings, but rest assured that our licensed psychologists and mental health counselors will do everything possible to ensure that you feel comfortable and at ease. For more information about our services, contact us in Tampa today.