Spotting the Signs of Body Dysmorphic Disorder | Rice Psychology

Spotting the Signs of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

body-dismorphic-disorderChances are you, like many of us, have looked at a mirror and decided to improve a certain part of your body, whether it’s an uneven smile or the shape of your eyes. While this can be normal, these thoughts don’t interfere with our daily lives. However, some people can obsess intensely over a specific aspect of their image, which can be extremely harmful and problematic.

Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental illness characterized by the inability to stop thinking about appearance flaws, whether they’re minor or non-existent. How can you tell if a loved one is experiencing body dysmorphic disorder? The psychologists at Rice Therapy Group have the answers you need.

A perceived problem with appearance can be a heavy burden for anyone to bear. Take the first step in the right direction today.

Know the Symptoms

A person with body dysmorphic disorder can often obsess about his/her appearance for many hours during the day. Their perceived flaws can open the door to insurmountable stress and the inability to function appropriately.

Body dysmorphic disorder can also lead a person to seek cosmetic procedures and exercise excessively in an attempt to fix flaws without ever being satisfied. Some of the most common signs of this mental illness include:

  • Extreme self-consciousness
  • Constant and frequent examination in a mirror or avoiding mirrors altogether
  • Thinking there’s an abnormality to blame for their “ugliness”
  • Believing the attention received is negative in nature
  • Staying home to avoid social interaction
  • Excessive exercising, grooming and skin care
  • Recurrent cosmetic changes that offer no satisfaction
  • Camouflaging “flaws” by growing a beard or wearing excessive makeup
  • Constantly comparing their image with others
  • Avoiding taking pictures

Rice Psychology Group Can Help

A mental illness like body dysmorphic disorder can be a heavy burden to more than just the person experiencing it. If you or a loved one has experienced signs attributed to body dysmorphic disorder, know that our psychologists are here to help. We’ll evaluate the situation and utilize a cognitive behavioral approach to bring normality back into your life in an efficient and respectable manner. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us in Tampa.

About Rice Psychology

Rice Psychology Group is home to a team of psychologists who work tirelessly to help adults, adolescents and children deal with their issues. Whether you’re currently dealing with depression, going through a divorce or fighting an issue you just can’t understand, know that our Tampa psychologists are here to help.

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