Preventing Financial Fights, Financial Planning & Marriage Therapist

Preventing Financial Fights: Tips on Financially Planning for Your Marriage’s Future

Preventing Financial Fights: Tips on Financially Planning for Your Marriage’s Future Financial fightsEvery married couple has their spats (from scheduling, housework, in-laws, and pretty much everything under the sun), but fighting about certain things could spell trouble.

According to a recent Kansas State University study, the arguments that are most likely to lead to divorce are centered around finances. And while disagreements about other topics can slowly chip away at a marriage’s foundation and lead to bigger issues down the road, fights involving money tend to do the most damage because they involve harsher language, last longer, and are more difficult to get over.

Get your relationship started off on the right foot from the beginning. If the relationship is good at its start, it has a higher success rate. Commitment, value, and a long term perspective on marriage are essential.

Fighting about money at the beginning of your marriage or before it begins is not a good sign. Here are some steps you can take to try to prevent future financial arguments – they might just help you beat the ever-so-high divorce rate odds:

  • Meet with a financial planner prior to getting married: Good communication skills can come out of visiting with a financial planner, and by feeling as if your future has a sense of stability to it, you might be less likely to argue over finances and it could decrease stress levels. A financial planner can also help you financially plan your future together by determining a reasonable budget and setting realistic expectations. By having a tentative budget in place and realistic expectations, there will be less surprises and disappointment down the road.
  • Look into each party’s existing debt: A good first step would be to pull each other’s credit reports. Nothing could be more awful than marrying someone and then finding out after the fact that there are secrets and debt that they didn’t even know about. The type of debt and how much of it can be very telling. Your future spouse may seem responsible, but their debt and credit report may suggest otherwise.
  • Be willing to compromise: Within every facet of life, compromise is key, and in financial situations, this isn’t different. A lot of financial arguments can stem from selfishness and unwillingness to compromise. If you are willing to give a little, your spouse will most likely follow suit.

About Rice Psychology

Rice Psychology Group is home to a team of psychologists who work tirelessly to help adults, adolescents and children deal with their issues. Whether you’re currently dealing with depression, going through a divorce or fighting an issue you just can’t understand, know that our Tampa psychologists are here to help.

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