Do You Love Your Job? I Do and Here’s Why! | Rice Psychology

Do You Love Your Job? I Do and Here’s Why!

love your job

Have you ever been to therapy? If so, I’d consider you to be one of the lucky ones. Many people have preconceived notions about therapy in terms of who goes, who benefits and what actually happens behind closed doors. Some believe that therapy is only for crazy or weak people, so that if they try it, they must be crazy in some way, have major character weaknesses or at least have very serious issues. Others see it as an unnecessary alternative to having a talk with a good friend. There are also some who view it as a privilege for the wealthy

While we each have opinions about psychotherapy that vary in shapes and sizes, over the last few weeks, I’ve been feeling particularly proud and honored to be a part of this profession. Do you ever have those days when you just want to share your joy with others? Well, I decided that I wanted to share with you why I believe that I may have the best job in the world!

Helping others tackle whatever it is that’s bothering them is something I hold dear to my heart. Get in touch with me or a member of my team if you want someone to talk to about your issue.

Doing What I Love

When you were a kid, did you gravitate toward one specific section in a bookstore or library? When not immersed in horse books, I typically found myself in the psychology, self-help or special needs sections. The types of books I most enjoyed were about special adults who were able to connect with and ultimately help hard to reach people. This included classics such as Sybil and Flowers for Algernon as well as lesser well-known books by Torey Haden, such as Just Another Kid. When I decided to be a psychologist, I hoped to somehow become one of those adults who created a safe enough space where kids (and eventually adults) could let down their guard and work through their troubles.

Safety First

Do You Love Your Job? I Do and Here’s Why! love your jobIn creating Rice Psychology Group, I have done my best to create a physical space that helps people feel comfortable (note the awesome couches in our Carrollwood waiting room) while bringing on talented and caring psychologists who share my vision.

On a Journey with Each Client

We realize that everyone’s situation is different and the relationships that we establish with each individual and family who visits us is unique. I take care of people for a living. It’s my privilege to get to know each person who walks through my door. I appreciate the small gains as much, if not more, than the giant achievements. I never take for granted the hard work and risks that my clients take when they entrust me with their stories, fears, hopes and even closely guarded secrets. There are moments of incredible connection that can happen in therapy where clients feel understood, heard and supported. These moments make all the hard work worthwhile.

Sometimes the reason people initially give for seeking therapy isn’t what turns out to be the most important or ultimate focus of our work together, and that’s okay. There are times when saying what’s bothering them out loud is too embarrassing or they just can’t find the words to describe it. In other instances, they may not even necessarily know what the underlying issue is. They just know that they aren’t feeling so good and are unsure why. Whatever the situation may be, it’s an honor and privilege to be able to genuinely be with people and help them talk about the things they need to talk about.
Therapy at Rice Psychology Group involves laughter, silliness and meeting people where they are. Share on X

Thinking of the Kids

As anyone who works with kids knows, sometimes adults make decisions for kids that kids don’t agree with. While I see many kids and teens that ask to have someone to talk to, I also see those who did not voluntarily sign on for therapy. These kids don’t want to be with me, don’t trust me and, at first, may not even like me. Luckily, I have Milo with me much of the time, along with an office full of toys, games and art supplies, so I have some tools at my disposal to break the ice and facilitate some kind of relationship in the language of childhood – namely play.

However, with a bit of time, patience and consistent sessions, something very special happens; kids begin to trust, share and express what’s really going on. They begin to see me as someone who listens without getting angry and a voice of reason without making them feel badly about whatever they have to share. Without even realizing it sometimes, they develop faith in the process of therapy and my office becomes a place where it’s okay to talk about stuff that they may be afraid to reveal elsewhere.

Gaining Your Trust

Therapy at Rice Psychology Group involves laughter, silliness and meeting people where they are. Sometimes it feels like coaching, sometimes it feels like mentoring, sometimes it’s about educating and sometimes it’s about going out of the office to face fears. We realize that the avenue for everybody isn’t the same, but knowing that I can be given a chance to be the person who is worthy of their trust and confidence is a tremendous honor.
Remember, you aren’t alone in whatever it is you’re dealing with. Share on X

Together with You

If you read our blog from last week, you’ll know that I don’t really come to work with the mindset of being the “expert” even though that’s how I’m often viewed. In reality, I show up as a partner. I’m partnering in this with you so we can see how it unfolds together.

In the last couple of weeks, it’s really been apparent to me that we create a space where people reliably know that they can come by on a regular basis to a safe place to speak without repercussions and without even needing to take action on anything. It’s just being able to get it out and process it. It’s an amazing privilege to be able to do this with people.

Remember, you aren’t alone in whatever it is you’re dealing with. Don’t keep your feelings bottled up; talk to me or a member of my team. We’re here to help you deal with and overcome your situation.

About Rice Psychology

Rice Psychology Group is home to a team of psychologists who work tirelessly to help adults, adolescents and children deal with their issues. Whether you’re currently dealing with depression, going through a divorce or fighting an issue you just can’t understand, know that our Tampa psychologists are here to help.

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