Celebrating Mom in the Social Distancing Era | Rice Psychology

Celebrating Mom at Home: What to do on Her Special Day in the Social Distancing Era

Consider the following story as it relates to this week’s topic.

I’m really close with my mom. We live nearly half a country apart but talk every day. Mother’s Day is our favorite holiday, and this year, it’s killing me that I can’t visit her to celebrate. We are both sheltering in place, which means I can’t visit. Even if I could, Mom is so protective of me that she wouldn’t let me make the trip out of fear of me or my family getting sick. I really want to do something special for her this year but have no ideas.

Celebrating Mom at Home: What to do on Her Special Day in the Social Distancing Era

Mother’s Day is a special holiday for many. It’s the one day of the year when Mom gets spoiled rotten after she worked so hard to raise and love you with all of her heart. This year, Mother’s Day will certainly be different due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many will be unable to visit their moms, let alone take her out to dinner or a day out on the town. If you’re in that same situation, have you come up with any ideas of how to show her that this pandemic won’t stop you from showing her how much you love her? Our licensed psychologists and therapists in Tampa would like to offer a few unique ideas on how to make this Mother’s Day one she’ll never forget, even if you can’t see each other in person.

Show Her You Care, Responsibly 

Things have been very different lately and, without a doubt, extremely difficult. This means it’s the perfect time to show Mom some love in a responsible and safe way. Here are some ideas that may just benefit her heart and mind:

  • Shower Her in Petals – A bouquet of flowers or roses may have seemed like a cliché gift in previous years, but if you and Mom live far apart, it can mean the world to her!
  • A New Book – It seems as if everyone is all caught up with their Netflix shows, so why not send your mom a new book to read? It’ll exercise her mind and surely give her something else to do while in lockdown. Even if the book doesn’t arrive by Mother’s Day, she’ll still love it for sure!
  • An Indulgent Brunch – Mother’s Days and meals go hand-in-hand, so keep the tradition going! If you still live with Mom, then try your hand at cooking a terrific meal or order in from one of her favorite restaurants. You can even spruce things up by taking the meal from the dining room to your back porch or patio for an impromptu picnic! If you don’t live with her, consider a delivery service so you can send her brunch and enjoy it together via FaceTime, Zoom, or another video chat service.
  • Try a New Activity – If your mom is active and has been taking the same route on her walk or jog over the last few weeks, consider an activity reboot for her. Why not gift her a virtual fitness class to keep her active and change things up a bit? Even better, she’ll be doing it from the comfort of home. And if you want to join in, there are plenty of apps that will connect you.
  • Find a Hobby for Her – Sure, you can give Mom your password to a streaming service, but her time will be better spent with a productive hobby. Set her up with a new embroidery kit, puzzle, or baking supplies. It’ll occupy her mind, entertain her, and maybe even help her develop new skills!

Celebrate Mom in a New Way!

There’s no denying things have been very different these last few weeks, but you can still have an incredible Mother’s Day celebration! There’s still plenty of time to gift Mom that book we mentioned earlier, so be sure to take care of it now! Also, if possible, visit Mom in person. She’ll be so grateful for it and it’ll give you two time to bond!

If you or someone you love is currently having a tough time navigating through a difficult situation, then Rice Psychology Group is here to help. You don’t even have to set foot in our office to talk about your feelings. We offer online sessions! Contact us today for more information about our comprehensive services.

About Rice Psychology

Rice Psychology Group is home to a team of psychologists who work tirelessly to help adults, adolescents and children deal with their issues. Whether you’re currently dealing with depression, going through a divorce or fighting an issue you just can’t understand, know that our Tampa psychologists are here to help.

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