Anger, like any emotion, is perfectly normal to experience. However, not everyone knows how to handle and express it in an appropriate manner. While some may think anger management is designed to keep an individual from feeling anger or teach them how to keep it in, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Anger management is an important tool to help people learn how to identify the signs of anger, how to properly calm down and how to manage the situation in the best way imaginable.
When is Anger Management Encouraged?
The most important goal of anger management is to help identify your frustrations at an early stage to manage them in a way that will allow you to convey your needs, and stay calm and in control. It’s not uncommon for people to feel as if they don’t need anger management. However, there are some very clear situations that signify the need to control your anger. These include:
- Regularly feeling as if you have to hold in your anger
- Persistent feelings of cynicism, irritation, impatience and hostility
- Constant arguments with your friends, peers, partners and children
- Physical violence
- Threatening people with violent actions
- Frightening behavior such as smashing things or reckless driving
Making Improvements
Anger management sessions can vary depending on your needs, but they generally focus on learning the skills and ways of thinking that are designed to help you manage and cope with anger. Properly knowing how to handle your anger can additionally help you:
- Express your needs in a calm manner while avoiding impulsive and harmful words or actions
- Maintain better health by lowering the heightened stress levels that can otherwise lead to problems such as headaches, high blood pressure and trouble with your sleep
- Avoid problems with depression or in personal or professional relationships
- Learn how to make your frustrations work to your advantage by using them as motivation
Deal with Your Frustrations Today
It’s never easy to have your emotions spiral out of control and negatively impact the way you live life. If you or someone you love is experiencing trouble with anger or any other emotions, know that Rice Psychology Group is here to help. Whether you live in North or South Tampa, our team of psychologists will work to help you understand the source of your issue and create a plan to manage it. For more information about our services, don’t hesitate to contact Rice Psychology Group today.