Anxiety Disorders | Anxiety Treatment Center in Tampa, Rice Psychology
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Up Close and Personal with Anxiety Disorders – Part 1

understanding anxiety disorderIt’s not uncommon for an individual to experience anxiety at some point in their life. You might remember feeling nervous before giving a presentation at school or anxious when faced with a challenging task at work. However, an anxiety disorder is entirely different and can cause so much distress that leading a normal life can often prove problematic.

At the Rice Psychology Group, we know that understanding an anxiety disorder can be an important step in dealing with the issue. In this two-part series, we’ll give you complete information about the types and signs of anxiety disorders.

Your well-being is our top priority. Schedule your appointment with the Rice Psychology Group today.

Recognizing the Types

Anxiety disorders are considered serious mental illnesses and can often be crippling to the person experiencing them. Many will experience continuous and overpowering feelings of fear and concern that make it almost impossible to live comfortably. Four of the most recognizable types of anxiety disorders include:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder – Regularly characterized by extreme and improbable feelings of concern and tension. This can often occur with almost no provocation.
  • Social anxiety disorder – This type of anxiety disorder surfaces during social situations and causes overpowering worry and self-consciousness. These feelings are generally caused by a fear of being judged, ridiculed or embarrassed.
  • Panic disorder – This type of disorder is characterized by a sudden and overwhelming feeling of fear and terror. The symptoms surrounding this disorder can include sweating, palpitations and choking sensations.
  • Phobias – A phobia causes aggressive feelings of fear as a result of a specific thing or setting such as bugs, heights or bodies of water. This type of anxiety can often be unsuitable in a situation and can lead to a constant avoidance of common situations.

Let’s Work it Out

An anxiety disorder can potentially keep you, your adolescent or child from experiencing the joys in life, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The team of child psychologists and therapists at the Rice Psychology Group are determined to help you and your loved ones with their anxiety. If you’re ready to move past a behavioral disorder or mental illness, know that our team of experts is ready to help. Contact us in Tampa for more information today.


About Rice Psychology

Rice Psychology Group is home to a team of psychologists who work tirelessly to help adults, adolescents and children deal with their issues. Whether you’re currently dealing with depression, going through a divorce or fighting an issue you just can’t understand, know that our Tampa psychologists are here to help.

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